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Meet Frontier
Psykinetic Frontier empowers individuals with temporary and permanent speech impairments to communicate at record-breaking speeds using eye control technology.
Customise your typing experience.
With three levels of varying speeds and functionality, Frontier gives you the power to customise your communication experience.

Cutting-edge tech you'll only see here.
Psykinetic Frontier pairs an on-screen QWERTY keyboard with patent-pending typing technology to convert text to speech at record speeds.
Frontier is fast. Really fast.
With recorded typing speeds reaching above 40 words per minute, Frontier will have you challenging the theoretical limits of eye-controlled communication (46 WPM).

Since speed takes practice, we made practice fun.
Frontier’s keyboard comes with three levels of varying speed and functionality, as well as built in games and a global leader board to make building your skill, speed, and confidence fun.

Level 1
Level 1: Standard
Begin here and use ‘gaze time’ to select and type each letter on the keyboard.
Level 2
Level 2: Turbo
Once you master Standard, progress to Turbo where you'll use ‘gaze time’ to select the first letter of each word and dwell-free typing to gloss your eyes over the remaining letters to complete the word.
Level 3
Level 3: Superhuman
Ready for a challenge? Use Psykinetic's patent-pending technology to quickly glide over each letter to complete words at record-breaking speeds.
Challenge yourself.
Challenge the world.

Join a thriving global community to compete with players across 20 countries and growing, to sit atop the global leader board.

Standard Mouse

Eye Control

Touch Screen
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